Deco Air how can we help you?
To set up an appointment to inspect your central air conditioner or heater please call us at: 951-347-8440 (24/7 Line) or 951-830-0393
We know times are uncertain right now, but we are here to help. Our technicians wear PPE and respect social distancing guidelines. Our hours of operation are still 7 days a week and phones are 24/7.
Thank you for supporting our family business!
-Camacho Family
3190 Mulberry Street
Riverside, CA 92501
24 Hour Line: 951-347-8440
NO Text messages please for initial appointment
Common Questions
How much to provide an estimate? To provide a diagnosis and estimate is $34 for single family residences for either an air conditioning or furnace repair. To provide an estimate for a light commercial repair $120.
How much is a tune-up? Tune-Ups are offered during non-peak seasons and start at $69
Do you offer senior discounts? YES! The technician will provide the discount when the estimate is given for the repair.
Do you clean air ducts? Air ducts should NOT be dirty unless the ducts have become brittle with age or rodents have made holes. Our suggestion would be to increase the efficiency of the unit and replace the necessary ducts.The best time for duct work replace is during the cooler months of November to March.
Do you fix wall heaters or window units? No, we specialize in central air conditioning and heating repairs.
Do you accept credit cards? Yes, we accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.